“What if the moon in Goodnight Moon was actually KEITH Moon?” – Black Market Books

Black Market Books publishes comics and picture books usually in the comedy (and sometimes science-y) genre .

STL SPEX (Joceline): What are your artistic influences?

My comic influences are mostly from the newspaper funny pages– Bill Watterson, Gary Larson, Jim Davis, Johnny Hart. 

STL SPEX: Who do you create for?

At this point, I’ve found that if I try to create for a specific audience, I’m inevitably disappointed by the response. But when I create for myself and just put the work out there, it seems to find the audience all by itself. 

STL SPEX: How did the idea of commemorating legendary drummer, Keith Moon, and satirizing a classic children’s book come about?

Goodnight Keith Moon was born in the haze of sleep deprivation that comes with being a new parent. I was listening to The Who one afternoon, and the previous night’s reading of Goodnight Moon was still echoing in my head. And the two suddenly crashed into each other like “what if the moon in Goodnight Moon was actually KEITH Moon!!” From there, it just wrote itself…

STL SPEX: What are you currently working on?

And speaking of writing itself, I’m just putting the finishing touches on the tenth chapter of my comic series Woodstalk: 3 Days of Peace, Music, and Zombies about the zombie outbreak at Woodstock in 1969. And my new picture book Homophones Visualized (based on my blog Homophones, Weakly) will be available in September from Chronicle Books! 

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