The Kabine: Happy Travels & Snail Mail

Within The Kabine’s collection of postcards are “Postcards Stories”, a story told thru a series of postcards. They are suitable to mail all at once or one at a time, spreading out the joy or you may keep as little art/story. Each Postcard Story is printed in small batches and enclosed in unique packaging with handmade touches. The story images are from scenes The Kabine created in the studio, images made from textiles and paper and street photography. Some stories are told with only five postcards others are longer and may include some additional objects, like stones.

STL SPEX (Rachel): What are your artistic influences?

My artistic influences are modern design and Japanese art.  My favorite artists include Alexander Calder, Enzo Mari, Georgia O’Keefe, Vera Neumann and recently Ruth Asawa.  

My favorite book artists include Eric Carle and Maira Kalman.

STL SPEX: Who do you create for?

I create for everyone.  I want to bring a little humor and playfulness to the work and inspire people’s imagination.

STL SPEX: What are your favorite tools and how do you use them to create your work?

My favorite tools are paper, fabric and found objects.  I use all the tools to create the images and add to the sensory experience.

STL SPEX: How has being “on the road” influenced your art?

As of right now being on the road has influenced my postcard stories by my love of travel, dreams of destinations, the tenacity it takes to travel and being curious.  

Later there probably will be direct stories related to our experiences on the road.  The “No Junk Mail Club’s” name was inspired by what I saw on German mailboxes.

STL SPEX: What was the inspiration for the “No Junk Mail Club”? What would you like to change about how people communicate?

The inspiration for the “No Junk Mail Club” is to inspire and help provide the tools for people to send more real mail and in return experience the ripple effect of more mail in return.  It also provides goods to aid in unplugging more often.

I would love for us all to put more pen, pencil or typewriter keys to paper.  It is a very important method of communication that documents are personal history, shows more who we are thru our handwriting, we may express ourselves differently and by the stationery we choose.  It, also, allows us to be creative beyond an emoji.  I have all the postcards my friends and family mailed me and the letters before I was born from family members are beyond priceless. Sometimes communication that does not happen immediately means more in the long term.

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